Our Story
Rose of sharon Welfare organisation
Rose of sharon Welfare organization was registered in the year 2004(Registration Number PVO 3/2004) it is located in ZImre Park, Ruwa ,Harare at 6884 MT Madecheche. It is a home which mend for the broke, lost and forgotten and build them into tomorrow champions . Our organization is not affiliated to any political party and board members are not political activist.Rose of sharon werfare organization subscribes to the word of God
Our Mission
To make orphans and vulnerable children highly employable, self-reliant and competent in their knowledge application
Dr. Fatima Maruta
Our Founder's remarks
I belive in a help hand and we as a Family we have the passion to see a better future for the forgotten ,unwanted children and transform them into tomorrow'schampions
This is done because of the grace of the Oh might God .

Make an impact.
Save lives.
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.Proverbs 11:25
Rose of Sharon is a non-profit making organisation whose core activies is mobilizing resources for the benefit of orphaned children.
Our Causes

Children Education
To make orphans and vulnerable children highly employable, self-reliant and competent in their knowledge application

Infrastracture Development
To provide standard Infrastracture so that we can restore trust in our orphans so that they feel safe and protected

Skill development
The provision of quality basic necessities and life skills training for the orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe.